Anti Corruption
Anti-corruption business practicesbecome basis for doing business in a healthy manner. To support anti-corruption practices, the Company has implemented priority steps to prevent acts of corruption and bribery as part of creating an anti-corruption culture in its internal environment. Anti-corruption policies are included in the entire contents of the Company’s Code of Conduct in the Business Ethics and Work Ethics Section, especially in points of conflict of interest, giving and receiving, improper payments, and control and use of assets.
In addition, all PTBA employees are also required to sign an Integrity Pact as part of their commitment to support anti-corruption policies. Moreover, PTBA also has a special policy that regulates the prohibition of receiving and giving gifts and gratuities.
As part of its commitment to participate in fighting corruption, PTBA also strives for all human resources responsible for supervision to attend education and training on audit procedures and detection of fraud risks. To increase the anti-corruption spirit of all PTBA personnel, anti-corruption education and training are regularly held, especially in units that have the potential to be exposed to acts of corruption, fraud, bribery, gratuities and the like.
Furthermore, to support anti-corruption efforts, the Company has implemented an Anti-Bribery Management System. As a manifestation of commitment on GCG implementation and building a company that is free from corruption, PTBA adapts the international standard AntiBribery Management System or Anti-Bribery Management ISO 37001: 2016. PTBA is the first mining SOE to obtain ISO 370001: 2016 Anti-Bribery Management System. This system is designed to instill an anti-bribery culture within the Company and implement appropriate controls to detect and reduce the incidence of bribery early on.
The assurance and commitment of anti-corruption at PTBA is proven by the absence of corruption incidents during the reporting year. Therefore, no action is taken in relation to corruption cases, such as termination of relationship with suppliers or employees. [103-3, 205-3]